Winston on a rainy Sunday morning.
What’s hard when you love a Mastiff in Seattle?
You have to shammy him on rainy days before he has time to do his super shake in the middle of your office!
At 7am, before your first cup of Starbucks coffee!
When a Mastiff shakes with drool it is like a bombardment of slime.
If the Mastiff shakes after coming in from the rain, it’s shower time for you and everything in the room. Not the good warm kind of shower, either!
Time to break out the extra rags, wipes, window cleaner because everything needs to be cleaned. That first cup of coffee you wanted to sit and enjoy, is more drool than coffee.
Winston didn’t like the humor either.
Most Mastiffs love water so playing in the rain is an encouragement to be rowdy and have more fun. This is my first year loving my own mastiff and I’m still in learning mode. Seattle’s rainy season is coming in October and I will have to master this skill, quickly. I’m still wiping down my monitors because I was about two seconds too late, throwing the beach towel over him.
The office is now clean. I’ve made my fresh cup of coffee, again. Now time to sit down, relax, and write.